Today's Tip: Refined Sugars
Refined sugars include sweet substances that have been processed and milled to the point that the sugar particles are extremely fine. When refined sugars are eaten, the sugars are able to quickly enter the blood stream. This can spike the blood sugar, causing the body to feel instantly energized. Unfortunately, the energy received from refined sugars is short-lived, and will cause a sudden energy drop shortly afterward. When the energy level drops so suddenly, it causes the body to crave more sugars in order to compensate for the energy loss. This cycle leads to the consumption of excess calories, which can lead to weight gain and obesity. Refined sugars include white sugar, corn syrup, refined honey and refined maple syrup. Instead of using refined sugars, chose whole-food sweeteners, such as raw honey or black strap molasses. Read more on

Michelle Dozois, 2011 ***** (4.5 of 5 stars)
Michelle leads this 54 minute workout in a spacious white & hardwood room with a group of background exercisers. You will not need any equipment for this workout. A few modifications are shown.
This is a solid non-stop cardio workout that includes the base move, ascent, and climb but doesnt hit the peak- which was fine by me as it was still a great sweat inducing w/o that burned a lot of calories. The w/o is broken into four 10 min intervals consisting of two 5 minute rounds. The first round is done on one side (i.e. left) and then the second is repeated on the other (i.e. right) side.
Exercises include kickboxing and old school aerobic exercises such as: kick and punch combos, double jog, moguls, plenty of big arm movements, front to back job, shuffle to floor touch, side twists, plyo lunges, hammer throw-knee pull, heel jacks, knee up/knee strikes, hi knee jog, ski, hopping, and skaters. Includes lots of directional changes.
Michelle does a great job of including a nice mix of high & low impact exercises but combines the moves to keep it pretty high intensity. I rate this a high intermediate workout. The sequencing of the exercises makes this challenging workout doable but with no dread. Michelle is a great lead, love her energy. There are few reps of many different types of moves & some of the changes are fast, but I still fine on my first attempt. Fun, unique patterns. Love the addition of low impact/ high intensity moves! There is one song in this one w/ a very loud whistle that I could have lived without but otherwise I enjoyed the music quite a bit.
Today's LOLz:
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