Billy Blanks, 2011 ***** (5 of 5 stars)
Billy leads this xx min w/o in a nice open gym with 7 backgrounders (including Shelly). You will need your PT gloves & bands for this workout (though you could easily do without). Lots of great standing and finishes w/ a bit of floor cardio work.
Exercises include: torso twist, upper cuts, knee block & cross punch, tight torso twists, side to side rocker abs, punch & kick combos, jogging, hooks, jacks, bob & weave, pivot kicks, fast walk forward & kick, side step squats adding a hop, 2 & 3 limb planks, power sit ups, V hold punches, and long leg lift crunches.
I rate this a solid intermediate core workout. I really like standing core work and loved the addition of the band to this work. My core was SORE after doing this one. Fun and effective core routine! I like Billy in this one, not over the top and his counting & cuing are on. I received this to review.
Wine Making: We "made" wine at a local winery. It was pretty cool. It came with a tasting for 4 so we got to sample some of the goods. We decided on making a peach chardonnay- yummy! And we used this pic on our custom label. We will go back in 7 weeks and bottle it when its done fermenting or whatever it is wine does. I bought this deal on Living Social Deals a long time ago and we finally got in to do it. can't wait to get the wine back (8 bottles!) Making the wine -we just dumped in the ingredients and then stirred it w/ this drill thingy. It wasnt very complicated and no grape stomping was involved...(darn it)
Today's Tip: Mushrooms For Health
As ugly (and as stinky) as they are, mushrooms bring a lot to the table. “They provide a lot of nutrition considering they’re very low in calories and sodium, and cholesterol and fat free. They are also a great source of B vitamins and are one of the few dietary sources of vitamin D, which aids in bone health by helping to absorb calcium,” says registered dietician Rachel Begun. “Research shows that vitamin D plays a role in improving cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and can boost immunity.” Maitake mushrooms, in particularly, are especially high in vitamin D. Read more on Self.
Today's LOLz:
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