Anyhoo- back to camping. We start setting up camp and discover that our new tent is a bit too small for our new air mattress. SO DH insists on going to the store & buying another new tent. So we do that set it up and of course, its missing a piece and doesnt properly set up. We rig it and move on (irritated) only to wake up in the middle of the night with a FLAT air mattress. UGH. Three pieces of NEW equipment that have failed us. So we end up getting up extra early the next morning since were sleeping on the ground. Its FREEZING out. So I go to put on some hot water on our burner (we ran out of charcoal so we were going to cook breakfast on the burner) only to discover we have run out of butane. DOUBLE UGH. So we pack up camp with freezing fingers and head home. Despite it all it was So we go to Denny's the only thing on the route home, and they tell us 25 minute wait to get seated. LOL so I end up at Starbucks with a vegi wrap and skinny mocha.....
Today's Review: Brazilian Dance Workout
Vanessa Isaac, 2005
This is a 60 minute Brazilian dance workout led by Vanessa in an outdoor setting, lots of lovely greenery in the background. Vanessa and a group of background exercisers workout barefoot with a live drum circle. You wont need any equipment for this workout. The dvd offers a percussion mix, and the workout is divided into two segments that are put together at the end for a nice Brazilian dance routine.
The moves are shown/ done at a normal pace, then Vanessa breaks them down at 1/2 time so you can learn the move and then you repeat at the normal pace. You learn a dance move, then add on another & repeat until you are performing an entire dance routine! Dance moves include: chest pops, box step, dancy double side step w/ over & around arms, up & back steps, shimmy, kick ball change, and other dance moves.
I would rate this workout an intermediate in terms of choreography & low intermediate in terms of aerobic intensity. Vanessa does a great job of breaking down the moves but keeping the workout moving along. The pace is fast so you will raise your heartrate more so than other dance workouts I have done. I like Vanessa as a lead and would recommend this w/o to those that like dance and for a lighter day. I received this dvd to review.
Today's Tip: Okra For Health
I LOVE okra- add some hot sauce, yum yum! Cone-shaped okra has been dubbed “ladies fingers” and has weird seeds inside. But don’t knock ‘em until you try ‘em, because the vegetable can help your digestion and colon due to its lubricating mucilage, Dorlandt says. Read more on Shape.
Today's LOLz:
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