Shiva Rea, 2011
This is a fully customizable 98 minute dvd that is broken down into six separate workouts ranging from 5-23 minutes each. Shiva performs this yoga practice alone in an open room that is draped in gold curtains- very cool! A.M. Energy is an Acacia Fitness release. You wont need any equipment for this workout. This dvd is done in voice over.
This is a very mind-body yoga workout that incorporates some breath work into your practice. There are a lot of rhythmic movements to generate energy & wake you up. The segments are: Meditation Core Awakening (5 min), Shavasana (6 min), Body Mandala 108 (23 min), Shakti Flow (20 min), Vira Flow (23 min), and includes a bonus Heart Salutation from Shiva’s Radiant Heart DVD (20 min).
Exercises Include: free form dance, pliet pulses w/ big arm movements, single leg lunge, vinyasa, stretching, up and down dog, warrior, 3 legged dog, butterfly crunches, bride lifts, lunge pumps, reverse pushups, hip circles, breath work, standing spinal curve, chair pose, yoga pushups, side plank variations, corpse pose, chataranga, etc.
I rate this a high intermediate yoga routine. This is a very versatile yoga dvd that is great to use as an add on to other workouts or you can combine segments for a longer yoga routine. Shiva is a great lead- obviously very knowledgeable and provides great cuing & form pointers. She uses the sanskrit term for most postures. I received this dvd to review.
Today's Tip: Stretching
Post-workout stretching is critical to ensure healthy joints and muscles. Writer Carol Mithers attempted to do all the basics thatrequire taking better care of yourself: consistently eat right, get enough sleep, exercise, floss, etc. Although challenging, she found some major payoffs by week three. "My exercise routine was getting easier (and if the music was particularly raucous, even enjoyable). Just 10 minutes of stretching afterward was loosening me up dramatically; in the car one afternoon, I looked over my shoulder to change lanes, and my neck didn't hurt. What I'd thought was arthritis and something I had to accept as part of getting older had simply been unstretched muscles." Read more on Exercise TV.
Today's LOLz:
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