Random Updates: I have been doing good with my workouts and my diet lately! I am actually down 2 lbs from my norm and that NEVER happens so I am very excited about that! I am just about done reviewing the URX-MT workouts- and am LOVING them. This is the best set I have come across in a long time and thats saying a lot as I really enjoyed the Firm Express and Barry's Bootcamp Fat Blaster to name a few. I dont think I updated that I was NOT chosen for the Mamavation & George Foreman Ambassador thing I posted about some time back. Boohoo :( Oh well- I still love my Foreman grill LOL!
Today's Bargain: Enter to win Amy Bento's Kickbox Surge & Core Traning courtesy of Advanced Workouts DVD on Two Belles Fitness.
Today's Bargain: Enter to win Amy Bento's Kickbox Surge & Core Traning courtesy of Advanced Workouts DVD on Two Belles Fitness.
Today's Review: URX-MT High Intensity Metabolic Circuit With Resistance Bands
Gregg Cook, 2011 ***** (5 of 5 stars)
Greg leads this 50 min w/o in a in a brick walled gym w/ 3 b/g exercisers. This workout is cardio and strength rebounding. You will need 1-3 # sand weights, your Urban Rebounder, and UR resistance bands for this workout.
The workout includes band & sand weight strength work and the sand weights are also used to amp up the intensity of the cardio. The workout is broken down into 3 circuits each containing 2 rounds of the each group of exercises and include recovery time. Each exercise lasts about 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of active recovery (jacks, etc). There is no jumping on and off the UR in this w/o but you do use the perimeter of the rebounder for various exercises. The workout concludes with balance & core work.
Exercises include: overhead band squats, weighted rocket jumps, fast rotations, long arm extensions (core), band back fly, 1 leg band squats, band pushups, fast single leg hop w/ a front raise, weighted balancing swan dive, jump rope, burpees, circle hops, slow balance runner, weighted side V sits, reverse curls, & a tough knee balance core move.
I rate this an advanced workout- more cardio than strength but does provide some strength work. Greg provides excellent form pointers and his cuing is very good. He does a great job of utilizing the bands & sand weights to really amp up the intensity of this workout. I like him as a lead. Great addition to the set. Hope they put out more UR w/o's utilizing the bands! I received this dvd to review.
Today's Tip: Eat Healthy Fish
Fish—especially fatty fish like salmon, and white fish like cod and bass—is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have several powerful benefits. They appear to reduce triglyceride levels in the blood (high levels cause plaque buildup in the arteries), stabilize the heartbeat (reducing irregular rhythms), make platelets less sticky (reducing clotting) and may bring down blood pressure as well. Some studies have suggested that eating fish once a week cuts your risk of a heart attack in half. The best fish are those with the least mercury and PCBs. Look for wild, line-caught salmon (almost all canned salmon is wild salmon) mahi mahi, catfish, flounder or sole, tilapia and whitefish. Read more on Exercsie TV.
Today's LOLz:
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