Dec 10 Cupcake Booth: I got new table cloths for my booth! And a super cute cupcake Tshirt (on they have SUPER cute stuff!). Here,s the cop & car cupcakes I did for the car show to support police event I did on 12/10. Cookies & cream and red velvet cupcakes. The cop/ car show event ended up not being so great cuz the cost for my booth was high. Sales were good enough but not really when you consider the cost to set up. Sat eve booth was ok, and much cheaper to set up. Sundays event ended up being pretty dang good and was free to set up! I sold almost all of the 300 I had made. Ended up w/ about 2 dozen leftovers. Sent most to DH's work and put some in the freezer for a work potluck we have at my work this week.
Today's Tip: Healthy Drink WHEATGRASS JUICEThis natural energizer is known as a liquid shot of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Some people don’t mind the taste and others do, but all agree that wheatgrass is one of the most nourishingjuices. “Because of its easy digestibility and rapid assimilation, it’s a natural energy supplement, whether alone or added to a protein-type supplement drink,” says Gloria Gilbère, doctor of natural health. Read more on Shape.
Today's Review: P90X Chest & Back
Tony Horton, 2004 *** (3 of 5 stars)
Tony leads this 50 minute chest & back workout "the mother of all P90X workouts" in a gym set w/ 3 backgrounders. One shows band options and 1 does chair pullups. You will need dumbells or bands, a pull up bar or support for a band, and optional chair & pushup bars. There is a countdown timer for the workout & each exercise duration.
This dvd is almost all pushups alternated with pullups with a few other chest & back exercises thrown in. Exercises include: push up and pull variations, rows, single arm rows, back flys and include some rest breaks. There are two rounds of 12 exercises in this w/o.
If you dont have a pull up bar and/or arent a fan of pushups this is NOT the workout for you (for me). I dont have the bar so I subbed in various rows for the pull ups and Im not a huge fan of pushups so I didnt really enjoy this w/o at all. Its a solid workout and with a bar- definitely advanced, though Tony does a good job of providing a lot of options. Without a pullup bar its really hard to even modify these w/o's and I dont really recommend the set if you dont have a bar or good alternative.
Today's LOLz:
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