DECEMBER GIVEAWAYS AND PROMO NEWS! Fantastic Facebook Giveaways & News for You and Your Readers! Happy Holidays from your friends at RL&A! As always, we want to inform you of our latest client giveaways, events/promotions and blogger news! Here are our holiday season highlights for your consideration. We hope you will enter these giveaways yourself and feel free to share with your readers, Facebook fans, and Twitter followers! If you are interested in reviewing any of these products, please contact jcheli@rlapr.com. Softlips “Holiday Treat” Giveaway!
Softlips is the perfect holiday treat -- great for stuffing stockings or tied with ribbon to a gift box or bag as an extra bonus -- so we have a holiday treat for our fans! Enter now, and at 12 p.m. ET on Friday, December 9, 2011, 10 winners will be randomly selected to win a holiday prize pack that’s a perfect treat for yourself...or as a gift to someone else!The Softlips holiday prize pack includes a stash of Softlips winter flavors (Winter Mint, Sugar Cookie, Sugar Plum Berry and Sugar & Spice), a limited-edition red Softlips “So Mistletoe-Approved” holiday t-shirt and a yummy Dylan’s Candy BarSweet Treat Chocolate Tower! And for some great beauty gift ideas for the holidays or any days, check out the newSoftlips “So Merry. So You.” video! Visit www.facebook.com/softlips to enter by 12/9 and learn more about the giveaway.
12 Days of Conair Facebook Giveaway
Conair wants to be your “true love” this holiday season...that’s why they’re giving out 12 Days of Conair hair styling gifts! Every Monday-Friday at noon E.T. from November 28th-December 13th, one random entrant will win a Conair prize pack to use either for holiday styling or as a great gift for someone on your list! On December 13th, one random winner will receive the Ultimate Conair Gift pack with one of each of the featured prizes from Days 1-11!
Visit www.facebook.com/conairhair to enter by 12/13 and learn more about the contest.
Jump on the "Band Wagon" with Sea-Band!
Sea-Band wants you to join "The Band Wagon" and help them hit the 7,500 Facebook fan milestone so they can launch a new giveaway! When they reach 7,500, three fans will be selected to win a $75 gift card to their choice of Walgreens or CVS (ine the U.S.) or Walmart (inCanada), along with one pair of Sea-Band Drug-Free Nausea Relief Bands and a pack of Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Ginger Gum. Spread the word and recruit others to join the "band."
scunci "Stocking Full of Style" Facebook Giveaway
Every day from Dec. 5 – Dec. 9, one winner will be randomly selected to receive a high-end gold sequined holiday stocking filled with an assortment of the latest scünci hair accessories! Great to use to glam up for the holidays, or to give as gifts! Visitwww.facebook.com/scuncihair to enter!
AMBP Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Don’t’ let your stockings get stuffy! Anti Monkey Butt Powder will be giving away stockings stuffed with Anti Monkey Butt Powder Products and $25 retailer gift cards! “LIKE” their Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/antimonkeybutt) and enter starting December 5, 2011. Random winners will be selected December 12th-16th at 12p.m. ET.
Help OXY Skin Care Reach 50K Fans to Launch Giveaway
The New Year is fast approaching— make a resolution for clear skin! “LIKE” the OXY Skin Care Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/oxyskincare), and help them reach 50K fans. Once they hit that milestone, they’ll launch a celebratory giveaway and 50 lucky random winners will be selected to win an OXY Clinical Acne Solutions Pack.
Stopain 15K Fans Milestone Giveaway
It’s time to Stopain and GO! Don’t let pain stand in the way of your Holiday activities. “LIKE” the Stopain Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/stopain) for advice and giveaways that will help you get moving! Once Stopain reaches 15K fans, they’ll launch a milestone giveaway.
Help OCEAN Nasal Care Reach 5K Fans to Launch Giveaway
Achooo! Cold and flu season has arrive, and OCEAN Nasal Care wants to help you wave goodbye to sinus woes. “LIKE” the OCEAN Facebook page (http://www.oceannasalcare) and help them reach 5K fans. Once OCEAN hits that milestone, they’ll launch a giveaway to help you “Wave Your Cold Goodbye”. Prizes include a Homedics Sound Spa, AHAVA Dead Sea Bath Salts and OCEAN Nasal Care products. Seeking Those With IBS or UC
We are looking for bloggers who have been diagnosed with IBS, Ulcerative Colitis or Ileal Pouchitis and would like to receive information about a medical food designated for the dietary management of these conditions. If you are interested, please contact Nicole Egan at negan@rlapr.com
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