Want to win a copy of Mike Donavaniks new Extreme Burn: Total Body Interval Training? Head on over to Two Belles & enter to win!
Today's Review: Extreme Burn: Total Body Interval Training
Mike Donavanik, 2011 ***** (5 of 5 stars)
This dvd has two 40 minute C+S interval workouts on it, that you can play individually or together for one total kick butt workout! Mike works out in an open gym style set with 2 background exercisers. This is a fantastic hard-core interval workout that will burn tons of calories and work your muscles. You will only need dumbbells for this dvd.
Each cardio move is performed for 30 seconds & each strength move is performed for 60 seconds and Mike provides variations within the minute to keep things interesting and to keep your muscles guessing. You perform a block of strength exercises that really get your heartrate up and then a shorter block of cardio exercises that will get your heart pumping even harder.
Workout #1 (42 minutes) exercises include: squat & overhead press, side lunges w/ a twisting row, woodchops, dip- punch- knee up, cardio lunges, knee pulls, shuffle & punhc, skater, swings to a Y raise, overhead tri extension, tri kickbacks, lunge & extensions, grappler throws, renegade rows- hop up- windmill, crunch variations, boat pose, & finishes w/ a cooldown.
Workout #2 (45 minutes) exercises include: squat burpee- puhnsup- hop to overhead press, cardio lunges add tricep kickback, wiper curls, dumbbell circles, snatch with a cross knee pull add overhead press, mt climbers, donkey jump kicks, heisman drill, diagonal skater, crawl to plank then X jumps, lunge & row to curtsy, torso twist, spiderman pushups to reverse planks, toe drops (core), Russian twists, double crunches, toe reaches, and finishes w/ a cooldown.
These workouts are both advanced in my opinion, with number 2 being even more challenging. Mike is a great lead- lots of great form pointers & good cuing. These workouts are right up my ally- tough but fun, lots of compound movements, and nice athletic exercises that get & keep your heart PUMPING! I would consider this a medium weight - faster paced workout that is pretty much nonstop. I know I burned a TON of calories with these workouts and can not wait for more from Mike! I received this workout to review.
Head on over to Two Belles & enter to win this awesome workout dvd!!!!
This giveaway begins 1/30/11 and will end on 2/10/11 @ 11:59p.m PST and is open to US residents only. Winner will be chosen randomly via random.org. An email notification will be sent to the email address provided by the winner with 48 hours to respond. Failure to do so will result in a new winner being selected. Please see Terms and conditions for full giveaway rules.
We received samples of these products to review. We were in no other way compensated for our honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are oury own. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. We can not be held responsible for user errors in entering this contest, shipping errors, postage errors, damage in transit, or undelivered prizes.
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