Saturday, December 31, 2011
New Years Goals- Motivation To Get There
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Friday, December 30, 2011
Random Update Post: Christmas Pictures 2007-2011, Cake, Fitness....
Here is our Christmas picture for this year!
And here are our 2007 to 2010 pics :)
Fitness Update: Very happy to have made it through the holidays basically at the same weight from my challenge loss in June woot! I just started taking creatine, arginine, and branched chain amino acids to help with my workouts. A trainer friend posted some articles about them and I decided to give them a try. Advocare has their own line of all those supplements so I went ahead and bit the bullet and ordered (from myself LOL). Then I went to GNC and got some BCAA powder mix to add to the creatine (Mass Impact) cuz it doesnt really taste yummy on its own and I wanted to get in more BCAA's as well and forgot to order them with my other supplements & didnt want to wait lol...I didnt take measurements or weigh or anything Im just really hoping to make some strength gains, hopefully lean out a bit, and notice a difference in the poundage Im lifting. Need to focus on my diet Im sure to really get the max benefits. Will keep you all posted. Have any of you taken creatine or arginine before?
Cake Update: So I did all those cupcake booths this month to try & get some more exposure, get my product, & my name out there and apparently its working! I got THREE emails in one day with order inquiries and one was even placed! I also got a phone call and some various emails, page hits, and facebook likes so I guess all the hard work was worth it :) yay! Here is the cake order that was placed. Dallas Cowboys cake/ cupcake combo for someones hubby's bday! Chocolate cake, chocolate mousse filling and buttercream.
Today's Tip: Make a Little Go a Long Way
"I'm a chocoholic who enjoys a decadent dessert. When you're confronted with one that looks too good to pass up, invoke the Three-Bite Rule. Allow yourself three bites, eating them as slowly as possible so you can savor each wonderful mouthful. Then pass your plate to a fellow diner. You'll soon see that enjoying just three bites of an indulgent dessert can be very pleasurable and that your sweet tooth is satisfied with just a small portion." Read more on Prevention.
Today's LOLz:
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Two Belles Giveaway: Scunci Linziclip, Softlips, Ocean, Oxy, and Stopain!
Want to win this fabulous HUGE prize pack? Head over to Two Belles & enter to win Scunci Linziclip, Softlips, Ocean, Oxy, and Stopain!
The Scunci Linziclip is a simple to use claw clip but with a sharper more sophisticated style! Like a standard claw clip, it has springs and teeth which firmly grip the hair, however the linziclip boasts a sleek cylinder exterior which hides the clips springs and teeth leaving you with a polished look! he Linziclip comes in a variety of sizes, colors, designs and finishers. Its unique flat bottom design allows for a firm, yet comfortable hold. The hinges are hidden discreetly to the sides of the clips - doing away with the "butterfly" wings on the top of the clip!
As you know the Belles are HUGE fans of Softlips! Whats not to love- a huge variety of flavors and the soft silky way Softlips leaves my lips- I cant decide which I like more. You have to check out Softlips new Limited Edition Seasonal Flavors: Sugar & Spice, Sugar Plum Berry, Winter Mint, & Sugar Cookie! The Seasonal Softlips are a perfect stocking stuffer for all the ladies (of any age) this Christmas season! They are all so yummy I have a hard time deciding which is my favorite! I love the coolness of the Winter Mint but the flavor of the Sugar Cookie is irresistible! Yum yum- all the tasty goodness of an actual sugar cookie but none of those pesky calories ;) Seriously, we are in love with the new Softlips Seasonal Flavors. And the best part- they are SPF 20, we know how important it is to protect our skin for the harmful UV rays of the sun and our lips are even more sensitive than our skin!
Stopain is available in four formulations: Stopain Sray, Extra Strength Spray, Stopain Extra Strength Roll-on and NEW Stopain Gel. The spray and roll-on are easy-to-use and convenient, hands-free and mess-free formulations that allow you to apply to the affected area without the mess for instant pain relief. All Stopain products provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with backaches, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains.
Ocean Nasal Care:
Introducing Ocean, the nasal saline brand most recommended by doctors and pharmacists! And after having tried Ocean- we know why- it works wonders and is drug free! Ocean has something for everyone, including your little ones, pregnant or nursing mama's, and for all of us that dont want to add chemicals to our bodies. Ocean Saline Nasal Spray is perfect for the dry winter season when our nasal passages dry out and cause irritation or even bloody noses! And is perfect for the whole family.
OXY Clinical has been developed by OXY Acne Solutions and is an affordable, over-the-counter acne treatment and offers breakthrough complexion care to treat, heal nd help prevent acne breakouts - all without a prescription. The OXY Clinical line consists of a Clearing Treatment, Advanced Face Wash and Hydrating Therapy. All OXY Clinical products contain an advanced delivery system technology that helps the product to work continuously over time while remaining gentle enough to use every day.
Want to win this HUGE prize pack? Enter on Two Belles!
I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tracey Mallet's Booty Barre Beginners & Beyond Review
Today's Review: Booty Barre Beginners & Beyond
Tracey Mallett, 2011 ***** (4.5 of 5 stars)
Tracey leads this 50 minute workout in a nice open studio with 4 backgrounders. Tracey shows lower intermediate versions and one backgrounder performs beginner and one advanced modifications. The workout is broken down into a 35 min standing toning section (including w/u & c/d), and a bonus 15 min floor booty, abs, & flexibility section, and includes a separate moves tutorial. You will need light hand weights & a chair for this workout.
Standing Toning: Using a chair for balance you move through a series of flowing, ballet-esque exercises that are plenty active. Exercises include: pliet, dips, side squats, toe raise pliets, side reaches, pelvic tilts, leg sweeps, donkey kicks, wipers, balance stick, pliet hops, hip pops, leg & knee raises, leg circles, leg shoots, unique tricep combo, upper back fly, overhead pulls, preacher curls, & arm circles. Tracey does a great job of tempo changes & adding in fun active arm movements.
Bonus Floor Booty, Abs, & Flexibility: This is a nice floor routine that includes: pelvic thrusts, kneeling hip circles adding arm movement, bridge variations, frog leg extension crunches, torso twists, side planks, sit up variations, plank knee drops, snake, and ends with a stretch.
I rate this an intermediate workout done following Tracey but follow a mod for a more or less challenging workout. I LOVE that Tracey keeps it active & gets the heart rate up. You can really tell she is having fun in this and I love her energy. This workout is similar to her other booty barre workouts but provides more intensity options. These are unique workouts and combine some great movement, strengthening, lengthening, balance & flexibility work. I received this dvd to review.
Cake Order: Got this order for a shoe. I hear a bet was placed, the wager was "I will eat my shoe" and apparently he lost LOL. So its a loafer on a shoe box. Hey, he bought the cake- it is his shoe....
Today's Tip: Eat Enough Protein
When it comes to protein needs there is a pretty wide range for the recommended amount. It's 10 to 35 percent of total calories, or anywhere between 0.8 grams per kilogram of ideal body weight, up to 1.7 grams per kilo for athletes in training. When I work with clients one-on-one I always individualize it, but in general, I like to aim for the middle of the range. For an average adult woman, that would be roughly 80 to 100 g of protein per day. To put that in perspective, one 3-ounce chicken breast (about the size of a deck of cards) provides about 25 grams. Read more on Shape.
Today's LOLz:
Tracey Mallett, 2011 ***** (4.5 of 5 stars)
Tracey leads this 50 minute workout in a nice open studio with 4 backgrounders. Tracey shows lower intermediate versions and one backgrounder performs beginner and one advanced modifications. The workout is broken down into a 35 min standing toning section (including w/u & c/d), and a bonus 15 min floor booty, abs, & flexibility section, and includes a separate moves tutorial. You will need light hand weights & a chair for this workout.
Standing Toning: Using a chair for balance you move through a series of flowing, ballet-esque exercises that are plenty active. Exercises include: pliet, dips, side squats, toe raise pliets, side reaches, pelvic tilts, leg sweeps, donkey kicks, wipers, balance stick, pliet hops, hip pops, leg & knee raises, leg circles, leg shoots, unique tricep combo, upper back fly, overhead pulls, preacher curls, & arm circles. Tracey does a great job of tempo changes & adding in fun active arm movements.
Bonus Floor Booty, Abs, & Flexibility: This is a nice floor routine that includes: pelvic thrusts, kneeling hip circles adding arm movement, bridge variations, frog leg extension crunches, torso twists, side planks, sit up variations, plank knee drops, snake, and ends with a stretch.
I rate this an intermediate workout done following Tracey but follow a mod for a more or less challenging workout. I LOVE that Tracey keeps it active & gets the heart rate up. You can really tell she is having fun in this and I love her energy. This workout is similar to her other booty barre workouts but provides more intensity options. These are unique workouts and combine some great movement, strengthening, lengthening, balance & flexibility work. I received this dvd to review.
Cake Order: Got this order for a shoe. I hear a bet was placed, the wager was "I will eat my shoe" and apparently he lost LOL. So its a loafer on a shoe box. Hey, he bought the cake- it is his shoe....
Today's Tip: Eat Enough Protein
When it comes to protein needs there is a pretty wide range for the recommended amount. It's 10 to 35 percent of total calories, or anywhere between 0.8 grams per kilogram of ideal body weight, up to 1.7 grams per kilo for athletes in training. When I work with clients one-on-one I always individualize it, but in general, I like to aim for the middle of the range. For an average adult woman, that would be roughly 80 to 100 g of protein per day. To put that in perspective, one 3-ounce chicken breast (about the size of a deck of cards) provides about 25 grams. Read more on Shape.
Today's LOLz:
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Hello Kitty Happy Meal Toys and Christmas Cupcakes
Hello Kitty Toys: Check out the cool toys in my windowsill! The ones on the left are from McDonalds happy meals- Thank you to all who sacrificed your health and ate happy meals on my They are cute though arent they? There were 7 and I only got 4 but my friend promised she'd "borrow" one from her daughter that I dont have -woot! Nothing like taking toys from a child to decorate my home gym...
Today's Tip: Find a Lasting Weight Loss Strategy
In order to keep weight off, you have to continue doing whatever allowed you to lose those pounds. , An approach that works but isn’t sustainable is bound to re-bound. So if the scale is moving, but you can’t possibly imagine keeping up what you’re doing, odds are high that 6 months from now, you'll be back where you started. Make two lists, one that includes the reasons why you abandoned past approaches (i.e, they were too limiting or too complicated), and must-haves they know you need in order for a new approach to work (i.e. being able to go out to eat or knowing how to splurge without falling off track). When people invest in houses and cars they typically have a distinct list of must-haves and must-not-haves. The same should be true of a weight loss approach. Read more on Shape.

CUPcakes: Very literal cupcakes ;) I put a cupcake in the bottom, then some cookies & cream mousse filling, another cupcake on that and then topped w/ chocolate buttercream, mini marshmellows & a piroline cookie. Kind of looks like hot cocoa- white buttercream on top would have looked like whipped cream but I thought the choco would taste better. The cupcakes are vanilla, cookies & cream, or chocolate (whatever I had on hand). They were my coworker gifts this year. Quick & Easy. Got the mugs at the dollar store.
Today's LOLz:
Today's Tip: Find a Lasting Weight Loss Strategy
In order to keep weight off, you have to continue doing whatever allowed you to lose those pounds. , An approach that works but isn’t sustainable is bound to re-bound. So if the scale is moving, but you can’t possibly imagine keeping up what you’re doing, odds are high that 6 months from now, you'll be back where you started. Make two lists, one that includes the reasons why you abandoned past approaches (i.e, they were too limiting or too complicated), and must-haves they know you need in order for a new approach to work (i.e. being able to go out to eat or knowing how to splurge without falling off track). When people invest in houses and cars they typically have a distinct list of must-haves and must-not-haves. The same should be true of a weight loss approach. Read more on Shape.

CUPcakes: Very literal cupcakes ;) I put a cupcake in the bottom, then some cookies & cream mousse filling, another cupcake on that and then topped w/ chocolate buttercream, mini marshmellows & a piroline cookie. Kind of looks like hot cocoa- white buttercream on top would have looked like whipped cream but I thought the choco would taste better. The cupcakes are vanilla, cookies & cream, or chocolate (whatever I had on hand). They were my coworker gifts this year. Quick & Easy. Got the mugs at the dollar store.
Today's LOLz:
Monday, December 26, 2011
Healthy Snacking with Wholly Guacamole & Hormel Natural Choice!
I am pleased to spread the delicious word about Wholly Guacamole and Hormel Natural Choice Deli Sandwich Meats! I am a HUGE fans of Wholly Guacamole and Hormel Natural Choice and are thrilled to share my thoughts with you!
We LOVE that Hormel Natural Choice Deli Sandwich Meats are nitrate free! We all know how bad nitrates are for us and how full of carcinogens most all lunch meats are- well NOT Hormel Natural Choice! And it is available in a large selection of yummy varieties!
Hormel Natural Choice products are: 100% natural with no preservatives, Gluten free, No nitrates or nitrites added, No artificial colors or flavors, and no MSG added!
Did you know that Wholly Guacamole is made of only hand-scooped Haas avocado’s? And it contains healthy fats that our hearts, bodies, & skin need! It’s all natural with 20 vitamins and minerals, and contains With just the right amount of spice and garlic. Available in Spicy, Organic, Guacasalsa, Pico de Gallo style, Double Dip, & more!
Wholly Guacamole® Classic and Spicy Snack Packs are: All Natural, No Preservatives or Additives, Gluten Free, No Trans Fats, Convenient 100 Calorie packages, Freeze for your lunchbox, thaws by lunchtime!
For More Information:
Visit the Eat Wholly website
Like Wholly Guacamole on Facebook
Follow Wholly Guacamole on Twitter
Visit the Hormel Natural website
Like Hormel Foods Recipes on Facebook
I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Visit the Eat Wholly website
Like Wholly Guacamole on Facebook
Follow Wholly Guacamole on Twitter
Visit the Hormel Natural website
Like Hormel Foods Recipes on Facebook
I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
WINNER: Smelly Washer!
The winner of the Smelly Washer giveaway is: Domestic Diva who said...
I follow on gfc. She has won her choice of Smelly Washer products!
Thank you to everyone who entered and a HUGE thanks to Smelly Washer! The winner has been emailed and has 72 hours to respond to claim her fabulous prize!!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
P90X Review: P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Review
Cake Order: Got this order for an eye dr. Its German chocolate with fondant eye drops & the Snellen chart (learned the name of the eye chart in the process!).
Today's Tip: Weight Maintenance: Support
When you’re in it for the long haul it’s important to find people who really get what you’re doing and are there to cheer you on or lend an ear. A lot of my clients find that their friends or family members are supportive early on, but after they’ve reached their goal, the support can wane. In that case, turning to an online community may be key to staying on track. Even when you feel confident in what you’re doing, you’re bound to have a bad day now and then. Having at least one person you can turn to for encouragement can prevent you from slipping back into the old patterns that led to the weight gain.Read more on Shape.
Today's Review: P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Tony Horton, 2004 *** (3 of 5 stars)
Tony leads this 43 minute workout w/ 3 backgrounders in a gym set. You will need dumbbells and optional pushup handles, & a chair. There is a countdown timer for the workout & each exercise duration.
After a warmup & long stretch, exercises include: tons of pushup variations, side & front shoulder raise, chair dips, pike press, side tricep pushups, disc (plate or rag) shifting pushups, scarecrow wipers, overhead tri extenstion, Y press, seated tri extentions, 1 arm pushups, arm circles, weighted football throws, pushup to side plank, fly- row- press, lying cross over punches, etc. Guaranteed to burn out your muscles!
I rate this advanced because of the amount of pushups. Kind of redundant and just too many pushups for me to actually enjoy this workout. If you arent a fan of pushups this is not the workout for you, alternately if you love pushups- youll love this workout. Tony is chatty but not annoying to me- I like him, he keeps it fun and keeps the workout moving along.
Today's LOLz:
Today's Tip: Weight Maintenance: Support
When you’re in it for the long haul it’s important to find people who really get what you’re doing and are there to cheer you on or lend an ear. A lot of my clients find that their friends or family members are supportive early on, but after they’ve reached their goal, the support can wane. In that case, turning to an online community may be key to staying on track. Even when you feel confident in what you’re doing, you’re bound to have a bad day now and then. Having at least one person you can turn to for encouragement can prevent you from slipping back into the old patterns that led to the weight gain.Read more on Shape.
Today's Review: P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Tony Horton, 2004 *** (3 of 5 stars)
Tony leads this 43 minute workout w/ 3 backgrounders in a gym set. You will need dumbbells and optional pushup handles, & a chair. There is a countdown timer for the workout & each exercise duration.
After a warmup & long stretch, exercises include: tons of pushup variations, side & front shoulder raise, chair dips, pike press, side tricep pushups, disc (plate or rag) shifting pushups, scarecrow wipers, overhead tri extenstion, Y press, seated tri extentions, 1 arm pushups, arm circles, weighted football throws, pushup to side plank, fly- row- press, lying cross over punches, etc. Guaranteed to burn out your muscles!
I rate this advanced because of the amount of pushups. Kind of redundant and just too many pushups for me to actually enjoy this workout. If you arent a fan of pushups this is not the workout for you, alternately if you love pushups- youll love this workout. Tony is chatty but not annoying to me- I like him, he keeps it fun and keeps the workout moving along.
Today's LOLz:
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Introducing Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls
The Go! Go! Sports Girls are dolls that encourage girls ages 3 to 12 to Dream Big and Go For It! Created by the Dream Big Toy Company, Go! Go! Sports Girls are a fun and educational way to promote self-appreciation while also encouraging the benefits of daily exercise, healthy eating, self-esteem and overall healthy lifestyle. Go! Go! Sports Girls are age and size appropriate. They do not encourage an older or overly mature image. The image is innocent with a subtle yet strong message - appreciate and be true to yourself! The dolls are currently available at retailers nationwide as well as through a variety of online vendors. And if that's not AWESOME enough, the Dream Big Toy Company donates a portion of their profits to organizations that encourage girls to participate in physical activity and develop healthy lifestyles.
The Belles were thrilled to be presented with the opportunity to review the Go! Go! Sports Girl Dolls. Fitness-enthusiasts ourselves we strive to set good, healthy examples for the little ones in our lives. As a mom, it is important to me to instill healthy habits while also promoting self-acceptance and a healthy self-image. I can't tell you how tickled pink I get when my little one tells me, "It's time to workout" or gets down on all fours and says, "This is how you do a push-up." So when she was old enough I decided to enroll her in gymnastics. She LOVES it!
I had the pleasure of reviewing M.C Go! Go! Sports Girl Doll. M.C. loves to move and groove! She likes to dance because it makes her feel free. She enjoys all types of dance, but Hip-Hop is her favorite. Before dancing she always stretches and eats a healthy snack, like strawberries. When she is not dancing, M.C. likes playing the piano and practicing her cheerleading moves. Having lost and sustained a ninety pound weight loss, I know the importance of healthy habits and more importantly - instilling them at a young age. The Go! Go! Sports Girl Dolls are a must-have for young girls. Unlike many of the dolls out there today that almost cause girls to "grow up too quickly", develop an unhealthy body image or depict an unattainable body shape, the Go! Go! Sports Dolls are the kind of doll that young girls can benefit from in a healthy and positive way. My niece LOVED receiving this gorgeous doll for Christmas. She would not put her down. She had her dancing aound and her older sisters even joined in the fun! A great bonus was the additional activity we all got in dancing with M.C.!
I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
P90X Review: P90X Back & Biceps Review
Weekend Cake: Had this fun cake order for a little girls birthday. Disney Princess mini cakes with coordinating cupcakes. Belle has a rose, Tiana a lily pad, and Cinderella a glass slipper. All are chocolate covered cherry.....had my last cupcake booth for the season this weekend- it didnt go very well :( oh well....glad to be done with them for now because I sat down & relaxed last night for literally the first time in about 3 weeks...have a few more cupcake pics I will post later in the week.
Today's Tip: Weight Loss Maintenance: Identify new coping strategies
Changing your relationship with food is the foundation of successful weight control. You could have a personal chef who prepares slimming meals, but if you eat for emotional reasons you’ll keep turning to food unless you find alternatives. Instead of reaching for ice cream when sad, watch part of a sad movie guaranteed to make you cry, so you can let it out and when angry, clean to let out some aggression instead of tearing into candy or chips, which are common ‘anger foods.’ What works for one person might not work for another, so it’s all about understanding your triggers and finding non-food alternatives that work for you. Read more on Shape.
Today's Review: P90X Back & Biceps
Tony Horton, 2004 **** (4 of 5 stars)
Tony leads this 51 minute workout in a gym set w/ 3 backgrounders, one uses bands, and one does higher rep- lighter weights, and the other does heavy weight lower reps. You will need a pull up bar or chair and bands or dumbbells for this workout.
This workout really hits the bi's & back thoroughly! I dont have a pull up bar so I just did row variations. Exercises include: chin & pull up variations, lawnmower rows & wide lawnmower rows, 21's (biceps), 1 arm cross bi curl, open carm curl, static arm curl, locomotive rows, wall sit curl, corkscrew curls, upper back fly, curl to hammer, supermans, and strip set curls (varying poundage).
Definitely advanced with heavy weights and/or a pull up bar. Tony does a great job of including a good variety of exercises to keep it interesting and hit the muscles in a new way. Encourages you to write down your stats, and is chatty. The workout moves along pretty well but he does chat a bit- which is fine if you are working hard & need the break.
Today's LOLz:
Today's Tip: Weight Loss Maintenance: Identify new coping strategies
Changing your relationship with food is the foundation of successful weight control. You could have a personal chef who prepares slimming meals, but if you eat for emotional reasons you’ll keep turning to food unless you find alternatives. Instead of reaching for ice cream when sad, watch part of a sad movie guaranteed to make you cry, so you can let it out and when angry, clean to let out some aggression instead of tearing into candy or chips, which are common ‘anger foods.’ What works for one person might not work for another, so it’s all about understanding your triggers and finding non-food alternatives that work for you. Read more on Shape.
Today's Review: P90X Back & Biceps
Tony Horton, 2004 **** (4 of 5 stars)
Tony leads this 51 minute workout in a gym set w/ 3 backgrounders, one uses bands, and one does higher rep- lighter weights, and the other does heavy weight lower reps. You will need a pull up bar or chair and bands or dumbbells for this workout.
This workout really hits the bi's & back thoroughly! I dont have a pull up bar so I just did row variations. Exercises include: chin & pull up variations, lawnmower rows & wide lawnmower rows, 21's (biceps), 1 arm cross bi curl, open carm curl, static arm curl, locomotive rows, wall sit curl, corkscrew curls, upper back fly, curl to hammer, supermans, and strip set curls (varying poundage).
Definitely advanced with heavy weights and/or a pull up bar. Tony does a great job of including a good variety of exercises to keep it interesting and hit the muscles in a new way. Encourages you to write down your stats, and is chatty. The workout moves along pretty well but he does chat a bit- which is fine if you are working hard & need the break.
Today's LOLz:
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
RAVE: lucy activewear Hatha Leggings
lucy activewear
Fashion Forward Women's Activewear
The Two Belles recently had the wonderful opportunity to work with a well-known and wonderful fitness apparel company: lucy activewear! They offer a huge selection of flattering workout wear for yoga, running, training, travel and exploring the outdoors. They also offer FREE shipping on any order over $125! They have so many cute, flattering, and practical styles in all their activewear. With so much to choose from including exercise crop pants, yoga pants, exercise tanks and sports bras, and locations throughout the U.S., you are bound to find the best fitness wear at a great price.
Both Maria and I had the pleasure of trying a fabulous pair of the lucy Hatha Leggings:
The lucy Hatha legging offers a phenomenal fit. Maria and I were both IMPRESSED. With two different body types, the Hatha leggings fit us each like a glove, offered great support and a flattering look - no muffin top or bulges to be found! Made of supplex nylon and Lycra, the Hatha leggings are machine washable and bounce right back into shape - wash after wash. And if leggings aren't your thing, lucy also offers the lucy Hatha pant - the same great fabric technology, the same great fit, in a full length pant with an equally flattering fit!
We found the lucy website to be super user friendly and easy to navigate. Lots of great product shots with photos of various angles. The size & color options are clearly laid out and each item offers detailed product descriptions. Adding items to your shopping cart or wishlist is also a snap!
Find out more about lucy activewear please visit:
We received a sample of these products to review. We were in no other way compensated for our honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are our own. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Monday, December 19, 2011
P90X Chest & Back Review & Cupcake Booth Pics
Dec 10 Cupcake Booth: I got new table cloths for my booth! And a super cute cupcake Tshirt (on they have SUPER cute stuff!). Here,s the cop & car cupcakes I did for the car show to support police event I did on 12/10. Cookies & cream and red velvet cupcakes. The cop/ car show event ended up not being so great cuz the cost for my booth was high. Sales were good enough but not really when you consider the cost to set up. Sat eve booth was ok, and much cheaper to set up. Sundays event ended up being pretty dang good and was free to set up! I sold almost all of the 300 I had made. Ended up w/ about 2 dozen leftovers. Sent most to DH's work and put some in the freezer for a work potluck we have at my work this week.
Today's Tip: Healthy Drink WHEATGRASS JUICEThis natural energizer is known as a liquid shot of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Some people don’t mind the taste and others do, but all agree that wheatgrass is one of the most nourishingjuices. “Because of its easy digestibility and rapid assimilation, it’s a natural energy supplement, whether alone or added to a protein-type supplement drink,” says Gloria Gilbère, doctor of natural health. Read more on Shape.
Today's Review: P90X Chest & Back
Tony Horton, 2004 *** (3 of 5 stars)
Tony leads this 50 minute chest & back workout "the mother of all P90X workouts" in a gym set w/ 3 backgrounders. One shows band options and 1 does chair pullups. You will need dumbells or bands, a pull up bar or support for a band, and optional chair & pushup bars. There is a countdown timer for the workout & each exercise duration.
This dvd is almost all pushups alternated with pullups with a few other chest & back exercises thrown in. Exercises include: push up and pull variations, rows, single arm rows, back flys and include some rest breaks. There are two rounds of 12 exercises in this w/o.
If you dont have a pull up bar and/or arent a fan of pushups this is NOT the workout for you (for me). I dont have the bar so I subbed in various rows for the pull ups and Im not a huge fan of pushups so I didnt really enjoy this w/o at all. Its a solid workout and with a bar- definitely advanced, though Tony does a good job of providing a lot of options. Without a pullup bar its really hard to even modify these w/o's and I dont really recommend the set if you dont have a bar or good alternative.
Today's LOLz:
Today's Tip: Healthy Drink WHEATGRASS JUICEThis natural energizer is known as a liquid shot of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Some people don’t mind the taste and others do, but all agree that wheatgrass is one of the most nourishingjuices. “Because of its easy digestibility and rapid assimilation, it’s a natural energy supplement, whether alone or added to a protein-type supplement drink,” says Gloria Gilbère, doctor of natural health. Read more on Shape.
Today's Review: P90X Chest & Back
Tony Horton, 2004 *** (3 of 5 stars)
Tony leads this 50 minute chest & back workout "the mother of all P90X workouts" in a gym set w/ 3 backgrounders. One shows band options and 1 does chair pullups. You will need dumbells or bands, a pull up bar or support for a band, and optional chair & pushup bars. There is a countdown timer for the workout & each exercise duration.
This dvd is almost all pushups alternated with pullups with a few other chest & back exercises thrown in. Exercises include: push up and pull variations, rows, single arm rows, back flys and include some rest breaks. There are two rounds of 12 exercises in this w/o.
If you dont have a pull up bar and/or arent a fan of pushups this is NOT the workout for you (for me). I dont have the bar so I subbed in various rows for the pull ups and Im not a huge fan of pushups so I didnt really enjoy this w/o at all. Its a solid workout and with a bar- definitely advanced, though Tony does a good job of providing a lot of options. Without a pullup bar its really hard to even modify these w/o's and I dont really recommend the set if you dont have a bar or good alternative.
Today's LOLz:
Friday, December 16, 2011
Jen Galardi's Sweating Sexy Review (& Cupcake Booth Cupcakes!)
Today's Review: Sweating Sexy
Jennifer Galardi, 2010
Jennifer leads this fun dancy 50 minute workout in a nice open studio style set with 2 background exercisers. You wont need any equipment for this workout and no shoes are required! This is a fun blend of body strengthening, active stretching, and flowing dance. The dvd is chaptered and you can select a segment from the menu or play all. There is also a 5 minute dance inspired warmup that will introduce you to the upcoming moves.
Using the Floor: This section is lower body focused and includes a fun little dance routine. Exercises include: floor brush, flowing squats, toe squats, knee raise w/ a toe point, hip shifts, pliets, & Jennifer adds in some fun arm movements. This is a nice combo of ballet & flowing dance.
Using the Upper Body: This fun flowing10 minute workout is core focused and performed standing. Exercises include: side to side rib & hip shifts, reaches, pulls, standing roll ups, reach over & around, spine rolls, and finishes with a routine that combines the moves you just performed.
Ready To Dance: From the play all option you get the entire 28 minute routine, when selecting the chapter you get the 18 minute breakdown- which still moves right along but includes some "teaching" with the dancing. Exercises include: kick, side toe reach, hip circles, jazz square, inverted lunges, jump & pump, body roll ups, leg sweeps, hip pushes, and 10 minutes of performing the routine (cuing is still included). Concludes with a 5 minute cooldown.
I rate this a beginner workout in terms of cardio intensity and low intermediate in terms of choreography. Fun to do and easy to catch onto. Kind of a fusion of barre & dance with strengthening and stretching interspersed. A great "feel good" workout! Jen is a superb instructor, clear & concise cuing & perfect form pointers just when you need them. This dvd works great as a solid 50 min workout or is easily broken down to add on to other w/o's. I received this dvd to review.
Weekend Cupcake Booths: I had 3 cupcake booths last weekend. It was a super busy week and weekend. M-F I literally went from work to the kitchen to bed every day then Saturday was out and about ALL day. Started again Sunday morning and then on to the cooking & grocery shopping for the week. I did great and sold almost 300 cupcakes at the 3 events! I also had an order for 1 dozen last week AND a cake order. Whew....One more booth this weekend and then I am done with booths for the season. And I have a Disney princess cake for Sunday. Busy lately! Hopefully the booths did me some good in the way of future orders & getting my name out there too. Pics: Mocha Frappucino, "corn on the cob," pink shoes & buttons, and red & black lipstick, purses, shoes, & bows. Will post the other pics later. Same flavors as last week but added mocha, peppermint mocha, cookies & cream and vanilla almond cherry.
Today's Tip: Mix up Your Routine to Maximize Benefits
Have you been taking the same body-sculpting class using the same 3-pound weights week after week? Grab some heavier dumbbells to boost your calorie burn and build more fat-blasting muscle, & try a class you've never done to stimulate your body in new ways. Doing the same workout routine over and over means your body doesn't have to work as hard to perform it after a few weeks. "We 'learn' how to do any activity and movements," the more ‘learned' we are, the easier the activity is to our bodies, which means you will actually burn fewer calories than you did when the activity or your routine was new to you." The solution: changing up the intensity and style of your workout can help kick up your calorie burn to start losing weight again. Even adding workouts like yoga and Pilates that don't typically burn a large amount of calories, if they are new to your body, will create some nice changes in your physique simply from being a new challenge to your movement and workout patterns. Read more on Shape.
Today's LOLz:
Jennifer Galardi, 2010
Jennifer leads this fun dancy 50 minute workout in a nice open studio style set with 2 background exercisers. You wont need any equipment for this workout and no shoes are required! This is a fun blend of body strengthening, active stretching, and flowing dance. The dvd is chaptered and you can select a segment from the menu or play all. There is also a 5 minute dance inspired warmup that will introduce you to the upcoming moves.
Using the Floor: This section is lower body focused and includes a fun little dance routine. Exercises include: floor brush, flowing squats, toe squats, knee raise w/ a toe point, hip shifts, pliets, & Jennifer adds in some fun arm movements. This is a nice combo of ballet & flowing dance.
Using the Upper Body: This fun flowing10 minute workout is core focused and performed standing. Exercises include: side to side rib & hip shifts, reaches, pulls, standing roll ups, reach over & around, spine rolls, and finishes with a routine that combines the moves you just performed.
Ready To Dance: From the play all option you get the entire 28 minute routine, when selecting the chapter you get the 18 minute breakdown- which still moves right along but includes some "teaching" with the dancing. Exercises include: kick, side toe reach, hip circles, jazz square, inverted lunges, jump & pump, body roll ups, leg sweeps, hip pushes, and 10 minutes of performing the routine (cuing is still included). Concludes with a 5 minute cooldown.
I rate this a beginner workout in terms of cardio intensity and low intermediate in terms of choreography. Fun to do and easy to catch onto. Kind of a fusion of barre & dance with strengthening and stretching interspersed. A great "feel good" workout! Jen is a superb instructor, clear & concise cuing & perfect form pointers just when you need them. This dvd works great as a solid 50 min workout or is easily broken down to add on to other w/o's. I received this dvd to review.
For more information:
Like Jennifer Galardi on Facebook
Check out Jennifer Galardi's DVD Store
Weekend Cupcake Booths: I had 3 cupcake booths last weekend. It was a super busy week and weekend. M-F I literally went from work to the kitchen to bed every day then Saturday was out and about ALL day. Started again Sunday morning and then on to the cooking & grocery shopping for the week. I did great and sold almost 300 cupcakes at the 3 events! I also had an order for 1 dozen last week AND a cake order. Whew....One more booth this weekend and then I am done with booths for the season. And I have a Disney princess cake for Sunday. Busy lately! Hopefully the booths did me some good in the way of future orders & getting my name out there too. Pics: Mocha Frappucino, "corn on the cob," pink shoes & buttons, and red & black lipstick, purses, shoes, & bows. Will post the other pics later. Same flavors as last week but added mocha, peppermint mocha, cookies & cream and vanilla almond cherry.
Today's Tip: Mix up Your Routine to Maximize Benefits
Have you been taking the same body-sculpting class using the same 3-pound weights week after week? Grab some heavier dumbbells to boost your calorie burn and build more fat-blasting muscle, & try a class you've never done to stimulate your body in new ways. Doing the same workout routine over and over means your body doesn't have to work as hard to perform it after a few weeks. "We 'learn' how to do any activity and movements," the more ‘learned' we are, the easier the activity is to our bodies, which means you will actually burn fewer calories than you did when the activity or your routine was new to you." The solution: changing up the intensity and style of your workout can help kick up your calorie burn to start losing weight again. Even adding workouts like yoga and Pilates that don't typically burn a large amount of calories, if they are new to your body, will create some nice changes in your physique simply from being a new challenge to your movement and workout patterns. Read more on Shape.
Today's LOLz:
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