Thursday, June 30, 2011

URX-MT Review: Cardio Metabolic Circuit Review (& Circus Pics!)

Last Weekend: Here are the circus pictures from last weekend. It was fun :) Heres one of the trained elephants, a single clown, and DH & I driving to lunch before the circus....I had a birthday coupon for a free lunch at Sweet Tomatoes- one of my fav restaurants so we went there, then to the circus, then we went to friends house for dinner. It was an great Saturday!

Today's Bargain: Enter on Win, Lose, or Blog to win a Fertile Earth Simple Garden Junior Herb Garden (its totally awesome!!! and super cute!)

Today's Bargain #2: Enter the Two Belles Fitness "Helathy Beverage Giveaway" to win your very own Blender Bottle with insulated sling & recipe book, Ayala's Herbal Water, and Truvia Natural Sweetener.

Today's Tip: Power Breakfasts for Energy

One the biggest mistakes women make at breakfast time? Not eating enough. In the morning, your energy stores are depleted by as much as 80% from the night before. Without food, your body begins to conserve energy and burn fewer calories—making your metabolism take a nosedive. That may be why, in one study, breakfast skippers were nearly 5 times more likely to be obese than breakfast eaters. The following meals are packed with special fat-fighting nutrients—fiber, omega-3s, calcium, and vitamin D—a power combination that burns fat and keeps blood sugar (and energy) levels steady. (They’re also the basis of Prevention’s Diabetes DTOUR Diet plan). So whether you have diabetes, prediabetes, or just want to eat better and have fewer cravings and binges, start your morning with one of these delicious, nutritious choice. Read more on Prevention. 

Today's Review: URX-MT: Cardio Metabolic Circuit
Greg Sims, 2011 ***** (5 of 5 stars)

This is a 50 min C+S rebounder workout led by Greg in a nice brick gym set. He works out with 3 background exercisers. You will need a rebounder and 1-3 pound sand weights for this workout.

Exercises include: hops w/ a side crunch, lunge hops around UR w/ one leg on & one off, pliet pulses, weighted power lunges, pliet variations & holds, pliet hops, roll back & around UR, weighted core work, leg scissors, tuck jump vatiations, stick its, touch UR to a jump up, plank, weighted side plank w/ a top leg raise, unique bridge tri dip combo, star jumps-flying jacks, clean & press, V sits w/ weighted UB movements, long roll arounds, pushups.

I rate this advanced. This workout includes a LOT of great core work! Greg adds in lots of static arm holds while bouncing or doing lower body work so you really get to work the muscles even w/ the lighter weights. He does a great job of using the sand weights to keep the intensity up! Really really like this one and Greg as a lead. Cant wait to try more from him. I received this dvd to review.

Today's LOLz:

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