Keri Crockett & Summer Sanders, 2011
Keri & Summer co-lead this fun cardio & strength workout in a nice open gray gym with fitness accessories around the perimeter. This dvd is broken up into three 15 minute workouts + a warmup and cooldown. You can easily mix and match workouts from the main menu and the w/u & c/d are automatically added on (easy to skip past if you dont want to do them). You wil only need dumbbells for this workout. Also included is a bonus 10 minute core workout. Both instructors offer varying intensities for most exercises. This is a Gaiam release.
Jump Start Cardio: This is fun strength routine with great 1 min cardio intervals to keep your heart pumping. Exercises include: plank- pushup- Mt. climber combo, squat & bi curls, burpees, plank hold- pushups, overhead press, front & side raise combo, back fly, pliet frog hops, & pendulums,
Calorie Burning Inferno: 3 min cardio blocks interspersed in progressive strength work make this a great C+S routine! Exercises include: high knees, jump lunge, plyos, bi curls to clean & press, squat hops & punches, squat floor touch hops, plie & hammer curl, side lunge- lat raise, curtsy -front raise, 180 jumps, and squat hop- side floor touches.
Core Power Boost: This section focuses on the core and adds in plenty of good balance moves & strength work. Exercises include: torso twist knee pulls, single leg squat, row, deadlift, plank side knee pull, plank twist, side plank variations, and squats w/ front & side kicks.
I would rate this a pretty high intermediate but many modifications are offered making it super easy to adjust to fit the needs of just about all exercisers. Great sequencing & plenty of new twists make this a keeper. Great calorie burner & really hits all the muscle groups. Both are good leads but I really like Summers energy in this one! I received this dvd to review.
Todays Tip: Healthy Vegi- Celery
Before the 1500s, celery was used as a medicine to treat a laundry list of ailments. Its devotees were on to something--the crunchy veggie has a unique combination of disease-preventing vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. It also:
Keeps your blood pressure down,
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Celery sticks can satisfy an urge to munch with virtually no calories--one large rib has just 10 calories and 1 gram of filling fiber! Read more on Prevention.
Today's LOLz:
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