Update On My 24 Day Challenge: Holding tight at 8.8 lbs lost. Today is day 15, nine more days to go. I intend to rock it. I cheated a bit over the weekend- hence not a huge loss since my last update. I can have willpower this upcoming weekend- despite my birthday/ Sauza House Party- wahhhh. I will do my best to refrain from cupcakes and tequila....Still super super happy to be down 8.8 lbs though!

Today's Review: URX-MT: Metabolic Cardio and Yogic Intervals Review
Greg leads this 51 minute rebounding workout in a brick walled gym w/ 4 b/g exercisers (one being Gay Gasper-his wife?). This workout is both cardio & strength and IMO contains more strength work than any of the URX w/o's Ive done so far. You will need 1-3 # sand weights and your Urban Rebounder.
This workout is sequenced to get your heartrate up there-keep it up for a good length of time and then bring it back down with a static yoga pose that really hits your muscles. Greg includes lots of repetitions of the exercises -working your muscles even with the light weights. So the sets are fairly long but Greg adds tempo changes & exercise variations to keep it interesting.
Exercises include: pushup variations (hands on UR, plyo pushups, traveling pushups w/ 1 arm on floor and 1 on UR), static punches, punch & knee combo, pliets to static pliets while curling the UR & rowing the UR, shoulder raise variations, X raises, yoga side angle lunge, weighted deadlift to explosive jumps, rows, weighted side knee pulls, static squat w/ weighted rapid fire punches, static warrior, 180 chair pose jumps, side angle pose w/ a standing crunch, and pulsing warrior.
I rate this an advanced workout. I like Greg- good pointers & cuing. Really en joyed the format and found it to be an effective workout. The static yoga poses added to the muscle burn! The backgrounds are really having a good time in this one and you can tell they are all friends. Though by the end I found Gay/ other backgrounders almost distracting- but not enough to bother me. I like the format of this workout and found it unique from the others in the set. I received this dvd to review.
Weekly Poll Results: Favorite Type of Core Work? I voted for standing too :)
Weekly Poll Results: Favorite Type of Core Work? I voted for standing too :)
(12%) |
(12%) |
(12%) |
(62%) |
Today's Bargain: Enter to win Angie Gorr's Custom3 Fit 50/50 Workout on Two Belles Fitness.
Today's Tip: Healthy Drink- Rice Milk
At 120 calories, and 2 g. fat per 8 ounces rice milk is a good choice! Especially if: You're vegan or lactose intolerant. Made by blending rice with water, rice milk's mildly sweet taste and smooth texture make it a popular non-dairy option. Like other dairy alternatives, rice milk is lactose-free so it's a godsend for those with lactose-intolerance. In fact, rice is considered one of the least allergenic foods. On the plus side, rice milk is often fortified with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A and B12. The downside: It provides very little protein and has more sugar than other non-dairy beverages. Read more on Self
Today's LOLz:
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