24 Day Challenge Update: My one week weigh in put me at EIGHT lbs down!!! (last Tues to this Tues). And Ive even had to do no-sweat w/o's for the past 3 days because I had the Keratin Complex put on my hair so Im even lacking in the w/o dept compared to normal. So you can see why Im beyond excited-I cant even tell you! I have been more or less at the same weight for years. I have never been at this weight in my life- maybe when I was 11 was the last time (sad but true). I cant wait to see what the remainder of the 24 days bring! Eek-sosososo excited!!! I will post before & after pics at the end (my before pics are kinda scary though-think sports bra & exercise capris....)
Supreme 90 Day Infomercial Info: Supreme 90 is looking for success stories: Ready to share your Supreme 90 Day success with the world? Email them at Supreme90Test@gmail.com and you could be in their next commercial!
Review: HOT HULA Fitness
Anna-Rita Sloss, 2011
HOT HULA Fitness is a three DVD set in one convenient DVD case! The set contains three Polynesian style Hula workouts: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each DVD is approximately 60 minutes and is chaptered very well so you can access each segment from the DVD's main menu. You won't need any equipment for these workouts.
HOT HULA is a fun core workout set to rhythmic drumbeats inspired by the islands. These are fun core cardio workouts that will have you burning calories , strengthening your core, and also targeting those arms and legs. Each DVD includes a learn the moves tutorial and an exercise breakdown section to really help you master the moves & get the most out of your HOT HULA workout.
Beginner: This 51 minute dvd is chaptered to include: form & technique, warmup , break down (learn the moves), siva (the dance/workout), legs & abs, and cooldown. Exercises include figure eights, hula slides, up and around hip shifts, hip shakes, rib cage shifts, and lots of great standing core work. The legs & abs chapter includes: squats with hip shake variations, squat pulses, low side steps, and other high energy, low impact exercises that will really hit those glutes & abs! Anna-Rita includes plenty of good form pointers and her cuing is great. This is a fun workout that will really work that core and your heart!
Intermediate: This low-impact, easy-to-follow workout picks off where the beginner workout left off and kicks it up a notch. The DVD is set-up in a similar way, with a Play Intermediate and Scene Selection option from the Main Menu. The chapters include: Form and Technique, Warm-Up, Breakdown, Siva, Legs and Abs and Cool-down. In Form and Technique she goes over the moves that build the combinations in the workout. Anna-Rita does an excellent job encouraging and motivating the exerciser to work at their own pace and to take their time learning the moves. After the Forma and Technique chapter, Anna-Rita takes the exerciser through a basic warm-up. In the Breakdown section, Anna-Rita breaks down the moves in blocks and builds them, often taking it back from the top. The workout culminates with the Siva done twice through. In the Legs and Abs segment, she takes the moves, down low and performs them slow to get deep in the muscles. A brief cool-down set to great music finishes off the workout.
Advanced: This 50 minute dvd is chaptered to include: form & technique, warmup , break down (learn the moves), siva (the dance/workout), legs & abs, and cooldown. Exercises include low toe tap- knee pull, hip roll, hip circles w/ fun arm movements, warrior pump, snake, and other fun cardio hula moves. The set is super cute and the drumbeats really make you want to move your hips! This is a fantastic core cardio workout! I love that its chaptered and includes a legs & abs chapter. The entire workout hits the core but in the legs & abs chapter she really focuses on hitting those lower body and core muscles. Fun, fast paced hip shaking!
This is a fun blend of standing core work, hula dancing, and some mildly hip-hop inspired moves set to awesome upbeat music that really makes you want to move! Anna-Rita is a great lead and is obviously having a blast. The energy is great, the set is awesome. We are huge fans of standing core work and we def felt this in our cores the next day! I received this set to review.
Supreme 90 Day Infomercial Info: Supreme 90 is looking for success stories: Ready to share your Supreme 90 Day success with the world? Email them at Supreme90Test@gmail.com and you could be in their next commercial!
Anna-Rita Sloss, 2011
HOT HULA Fitness is a three DVD set in one convenient DVD case! The set contains three Polynesian style Hula workouts: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each DVD is approximately 60 minutes and is chaptered very well so you can access each segment from the DVD's main menu. You won't need any equipment for these workouts.
HOT HULA is a fun core workout set to rhythmic drumbeats inspired by the islands. These are fun core cardio workouts that will have you burning calories , strengthening your core, and also targeting those arms and legs. Each DVD includes a learn the moves tutorial and an exercise breakdown section to really help you master the moves & get the most out of your HOT HULA workout.
Beginner: This 51 minute dvd is chaptered to include: form & technique, warmup , break down (learn the moves), siva (the dance/workout), legs & abs, and cooldown. Exercises include figure eights, hula slides, up and around hip shifts, hip shakes, rib cage shifts, and lots of great standing core work. The legs & abs chapter includes: squats with hip shake variations, squat pulses, low side steps, and other high energy, low impact exercises that will really hit those glutes & abs! Anna-Rita includes plenty of good form pointers and her cuing is great. This is a fun workout that will really work that core and your heart!
Intermediate: This low-impact, easy-to-follow workout picks off where the beginner workout left off and kicks it up a notch. The DVD is set-up in a similar way, with a Play Intermediate and Scene Selection option from the Main Menu. The chapters include: Form and Technique, Warm-Up, Breakdown, Siva, Legs and Abs and Cool-down. In Form and Technique she goes over the moves that build the combinations in the workout. Anna-Rita does an excellent job encouraging and motivating the exerciser to work at their own pace and to take their time learning the moves. After the Forma and Technique chapter, Anna-Rita takes the exerciser through a basic warm-up. In the Breakdown section, Anna-Rita breaks down the moves in blocks and builds them, often taking it back from the top. The workout culminates with the Siva done twice through. In the Legs and Abs segment, she takes the moves, down low and performs them slow to get deep in the muscles. A brief cool-down set to great music finishes off the workout.
Advanced: This 50 minute dvd is chaptered to include: form & technique, warmup , break down (learn the moves), siva (the dance/workout), legs & abs, and cooldown. Exercises include low toe tap- knee pull, hip roll, hip circles w/ fun arm movements, warrior pump, snake, and other fun cardio hula moves. The set is super cute and the drumbeats really make you want to move your hips! This is a fantastic core cardio workout! I love that its chaptered and includes a legs & abs chapter. The entire workout hits the core but in the legs & abs chapter she really focuses on hitting those lower body and core muscles. Fun, fast paced hip shaking!
This is a fun blend of standing core work, hula dancing, and some mildly hip-hop inspired moves set to awesome upbeat music that really makes you want to move! Anna-Rita is a great lead and is obviously having a blast. The energy is great, the set is awesome. We are huge fans of standing core work and we def felt this in our cores the next day! I received this set to review.
Learn more about HOT HULA Fitness and Anna-Rita Sloss. Visit her:
HOT HULA Fitness website
HOT HULA Fitness on Facebook
Anna-Rita on Twitter
Anna-Rita's HOT HULA fitness YouTube Channel
HOT HULA Fitness on Facebook
Anna-Rita on Twitter
Anna-Rita's HOT HULA fitness YouTube Channel
Today's Tip: Healthy Vegi- Corn
Sure, corn has carbs. But they're the best kind--high-quality complex carbs. The whole plant has little in common with high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener made from corn that has had all the nutrition and fiber processed out of it. Corn does double duty as both a veggie and a whole grain, so it's loaded with fiber (one large ear has 15% of the fiber you need in a day). It also: Helps your heart, Gives you energy, & Preserves your vision. Read more on Prevention.
Sure, corn has carbs. But they're the best kind--high-quality complex carbs. The whole plant has little in common with high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener made from corn that has had all the nutrition and fiber processed out of it. Corn does double duty as both a veggie and a whole grain, so it's loaded with fiber (one large ear has 15% of the fiber you need in a day). It also: Helps your heart, Gives you energy, & Preserves your vision. Read more on Prevention.
Today's LOLz:
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