Luau Cake: Made this Grass Skirt cake for a co-workers bday. Cake, buttercream, and filling are all pineapple coconut. One of my fav combos- though I didnt have any of this one!!!!! Go me! ( Custom cakes by Lindsey Lu. Phoenix custom cakes. Specialty Cakes Phoenix. Arizona custom specialty cakes. Specialty cupcakes phoenix. Custom cupcakes Phoenix wedding cakes. )
Today's Bargain: Enter to win BOTH new Amy Dixon dvds on Two Belles Fitness: Give Me 10 More!, and Breathless Body! Her Give Me 10 review is below:
Today's Bargain: Enter to win BOTH new Amy Dixon dvds on Two Belles Fitness: Give Me 10 More!, and Breathless Body! Her Give Me 10 review is below:
Amy Dixon, 2011 **** (4 of 5 stars)
This 71 minute dvd is divided into six 9-14 minute segments, you can play all or select a desired segment. Amy leads these workouts with 2 background exercisers, one of which provides modifications for many of the exercises. You will need dumbbells for this workout.
Fat Blasting Cardio: (9 minutes) This is comprises of 3 mini-routines. Exercises include: jacks, gallups, touch down & front kick, shuffly, curtsy hop, burpees, power lunges, plank jacks, plank tucks, and diagonal knee pulls. Great little cardio routine.
Total Body Shred: (12 minutes) Lots of good combo moves to get your heartrate going. Unique & fun without being overly complicated. Amy does a great job of adding in balance & intensity challenges to each exercise. Exercises include: kettlebell swing & snatch, low runners lunge & row, squat deadlift combo, curtsy-tap-balance challenge, and finishes w/ some floor work.
Lower body Chisel: (11 minutes)Amy really targets those glutes & thighs and adds in some nice balance challenges. Exercises include: V lunge series, squat w/ tempo changes, deadlift squat combo, dip -balance knee raise, curtsy -side leg lift, squat & kick, and other unique lower body moves. My heart rate was definitely up in this section.
Upper Body Sculpt: (11 minutes) This is a fun & active upper body workout that hit all the UB muscles! Exercises include: I V front raises, back fly, low runners lunge & back row, a fun weighted punch series, concentration curls, unique projection curls, lying tricep work, and finishes with pushup variations.
Core Makeover: (13 minutes) This standing & floor core routine is fun & the time flys! Exercises include: the weighted punch combo, standing elbow to knee pull down, dumbbell pass through, pliet-chop-halo combo, dip & row with a kick, windmill variations, a unique surfer move, plank -pike-knee pulls and other fun plank variations. Lots of unique core work here!
Dynamic Stretch & Flex: (14 minutes) This is a standing, lying, and sitting total body stretch. Amy does a wonderful job of combining yoga inspired stretching with the basic athletic stretches to create a thorough 14 minute stretch.
I rate this a solid intermediate workout. TONS of variety and a lot of workout minutes that you can match up to create a variety of different workout times & options. Amy is an excellent instructor providing wonderful cuing & form pointers throughout. I really enjoyed her original Give Me 10 workout and this one is equally good but contains very different workouts! This one will get a ton of use at my house. I received this dvd to review.
Today's LOLz:
Today's Tip: Healthy Drink- Skim Milk
At only 80 calories and 0 g. fat per 8 ounces its a good choice if: You want to lose weight Skim milk is jam-packed with several vital nutrients including calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and the antioxidant selenium. According to a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people felt fuller and ate fewer calories after drinking skim milk than after drinking a fruit drink. Researchers say the proteins in skim milk can reduce hunger. Plus, fat-free milk has 40 fewer calories per cup than 2 percent milk and none of the saturated fat. Read more on Self
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