Friday, January 13, 2012

Ellen Barrett's Power Fusion Review

Today's Review: Ellen Barrett Live Power Fusion
Ellen Barrett, 2011 **** (4 of 5 stars)

This is a live 45 minute workout performed barefoot in her studio with 4 backgrounders. The first 30 minutes is done standing and the last 15 on the floor. This is a flowing active blend of pilates, ballet, & yoga. You will not need any equipment for this workout. One exerciser performs easier modifications.

Standing Routine: This flowing routine will strength, stretch, & lightly tone your muscles all in a functional routine that will keep you moving and work on balance. Exercises include: travel pliets w/ bow & arrow arms, relevet & V arms, side step squats w/ knee raise, figure 8 side to side lunges, pliet w/ push & pull arms, Goddess pose add inner thigh sweep & tri pushback, side floor reach to side overhead reach (hits the core), warrior pulses, pulsing football stance, and runners stretch.

Floor Routine: This floor routine will functionally strengthen & stretch your muscles. Exercises include: donkey kicks adding a thread through, table top threads, figure 8, knee to nose stretches, can can for the core, flowing leg circles, and flowing spine stretches.

I rate this a solid beginner workout- that is great for all exercisers on light days. I really think this would be an ideal workout to give to someone just starting because of the great energy, positive feelings, and the gentle low-impact exercises that will actually work your muscles & heart. While not a strenuous workout- it is great for variety and to vary the intensity of your workouts. Ellen is an awesome instructor, great personality, great cuing & form reminders. I received this dvd to review.

For more information about Ellen Barrett & her workouts visit:

Ellen Barrett on YouTube

Ellen Barrett on Twitter

Last Weekend: DH's birthday was last weekend so we went to sushi w/ a group of friends & then out after. I made him an iCake cuz he loves his iPhone & iPad. It was, by request, chocolate covered cherry- a fav of mine as well so: iYummmmm....had a hair disaster at the salon that morning so I was stuck there for about 5 hours and ended up running way late on fiinishing this cake so it didnt end up as nice as I'd have hoped but all in all pleased. Of course DH was happy with it.

Today's Tip:  Eat better for less
In many cases, we've been given a false choice between promoting our health and saving money. The reality is, when you stop buying junk and purchase only nutrient-rich, high-quality food, you'll be surprised by how far you can stretch your grocery dollars. Seasonal produce, co-ops, frozen produce, & dried beans are all healthy & cheap options! Read more on Prevention.

Today's LOLz:

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