Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shape: Pink Power Flat Abs 5 Ways Review

Today's Review: Shape: Pink Power Flat Abs 5 Ways
Jessica Smith, 2011 ***** (5 of 5 stars)

This dvd has five 10 minute segments that can be played individually or mixed & matched to create your own custom workout. Jessica leads with 2 backgrounders in a nice studio/ gym setting. One exerciser provides easier modifications.

Ab Rehab: Exercises include: frog crunches, long lever cross crunches, twisting V, & plank pike walks. Jessica takes you through this routine twice, the second round she adds intensity options to make the work more challenging.

Pilates for a Tighter Tummy: These exercises are ballet & pilates inspired and include: roll downs, pulsing scissors, oblique twists, crunches w/ a leg lift & sweep, attitude leg circles, corss leg under over/ leg drops & hip lifts, ballerina teaser raises, and kneeling side knee pulls.

Core Makeover: This w/o hits all angles of the core & back and has some super unique & fun exercises including: cobra w/ a core lift, 1 leg plank w/ a knee sweep, X double crunches, side plank w/ a lower leg circle, V drop w/ U knees, wiper leg drops w/ a tuck, X raises for the low back adding a side sweep crunch, figure 8 rows, & side knee pull.

Fat Free Cardio Ab Blast: This is an awesome core cardio routine! Exercises include: burpee & plank knee pulls, side plank w/ a leg sweep, runners lunge floor touch to knee up, balance oblique toe points, plank moguls, V hold w/ balance challenge arms, plyo squats w/ cross chop, cross chop knee pulls, Mt climbers, and a unique supine rocker move. The dvd is worth this section alone- LOVE IT!

Turbo Charged Belly Toning: You will dumbbells for this workout. You start standing and preform triangle side raises, elbow to side knee pull down, & small figure 8's. You then move to the floor and perform a weighted recliner move, cross crunches, and sit ups w/ a weighted reach. Great addition of dumbbells in this and unique exercises.

I rate these solid intermediate core routines, love the variety of exercises & time options. As always Jessica is a fabulous instructor, great personality, cuing, and form pointers. LOVE the core cardio routine- great way to get a lot accomplished in only 10 minutes! I received this dvd to review.

For more information:
Visit the Gaiam Website
Visit the Shape Website

New Years Eve: We went out with friends for New Years eve and stayed in a hotel since it was all the way across town. Heres a few pics. And here are the cupcakes I made for the pre-partay! It was fun- first time we've gone out on New Years in a LONG TIME -like 10 years probably. I dont have any pics of DH & I (he was the one taking these)...The ones of us were on someone elses camera and Im just waiting for them to pop up on facebook so I can steal them...cupcakes are peanut butter cup!

Today's Tip: Counter the cocktails
What you drink in a restaurant is as important as what you eat. If you start having cocktails before you even order, the alcohol may go to your head and sabotage your willpower when it comes to making healthy menu choices. It's better to wait and enjoy a drink with your meal. Choose red wine with dinner over cocktails with sugary mixers; the antioxidants in the wine are good for you. Read more on Prevention.

Today's LOLz:

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